GranDoxin Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Суть не в этом, даже не в шинах, а в восприятии автомобиля и правил в симуляторе. Многие даже не догадываются о том, что автомобиль - это потребитель. В телевизоре юморист один молодой рассказывал - я говорит переехал от родителей жить на съемную квартиру, и удивился некоторым вещам о которых раньше даже не задумывался.. Типа того, что соль надо покупать... я говорит думал, что она к квартире прилагается.. )) что мусор надо выносить, а за свет платить.. В аркадной гарнтуризме, после какой нибудь пятой гонки глядя повтор вдруг замечаешь, что машина вся грязная, пыльная.. думаешь "надо помыть".. и такая функция есть. После чего машина снова чистая и блестящая... Новая машина пока не пройдет обкатку тянет хуже.. потом меняешь масло и получаешь небольшую прибавку в ЛС. Понятно, что никто там не прорабатывал свойств масла.. но сам факт, такие нюансы, они делают автомобиль твоим. У него есть пробег.. В игре Дьябло 3 есть две фишки. Одна из них делает игру долгоиграищей - это тех. обслуживание своего персонажа. Хотя основная игра это экшен собственно на полях сражения с нечестью, но ты никогда не пойдешь в подземелье предварительно не подготовившись к этому "в гараже". Как замкнутый круг, геймеры бегают в подвалы за лутом, что бы потом чего нибудь себе прикупить, отремонтировать, зарядить, заполнить.. и заряжают, заполняют, ремонтируют, что бы потом пойти в подвалы за добычей.. Одно мотивирует на другое. Простейшая формула, которая работает безотказно во всех играх. И в серьезных симуляторах исключением бы она не стала, важен лишь баланс. А вторая фишка - это режим игры хардкор. Суть его в том, что твой персонаж - смертен. У него одна жизнь, и если ты ее теряешь, то теряешь все, что у тебя было. Без вариантов. Игра в этом режиме отличается от обычной тем, что ты испытываешь эмоции помноженные эдак раз на десять. Причем чем дальше проходишь, чем более прокачен у тебя персонаж - тем сильнее эти эмоции. Ты крадешься по коридорам, а датчик опасности сжимается так, словно тебя самого могут завалить..))) Потеряв персонажа, можно украсить его памятником зал славы.. Вот уверен на 100%, сделай такой режим в Ир (не обязательный), и все трушники будут гонять именно в нем... дай им же возможность ковыряться в своем автомобиле, тратить на его обслуживание деньги которые зарабатывает на трассе - будут. Все прочие симуляторы станут недосимами ))) 3 Ссылка на комментарий
Loggy Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 В частности у нас гоночный симулятор, поэтому обслуживание машины каждую сессию происходит, а не раз в 3 месяца) Но вообще экономическая составляющая была интересным дополнением, отдельным от основных гонок Ссылка на комментарий
Schweigsam Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Там и так народу на все серии не хватает, а вы ещё хотите разделить людей на "украшателей" и "равнодушных". Ссылка на комментарий
GranDoxin Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Ир наверное не лучшая площадка для таких экспериментов... но в целом идея имеет право на жизнь. Мне нравится направление, в котором пытается двигаться Ямаути со своей Грантуризмой - ГТ академия, теперь вот ГТ Спорт под эгидой ФИА, Вижн ГТ.. вот один из интересных моментов - Альпайн сделали концепт кар в ГТ, и в следущем году ставят его на конвейер! Но не нравится как они это делают технически. Вместо того, что бы более серьезно моделировать автомобили, напротив все упрощают.. Объединить бы серьезность Ир и возможности ГТ, а так же их аудиторию - получился бы симулятор мечты. Там и так народу на все серии не хватает, а вы ещё хотите разделить людей на "украшателей" и "равнодушных". В первую очередь - привлечь людей. А уж потом они сами разделятся... Посмотрите на пКарс - они чисто на обещаниях собрали бабла на два проекта, первый из которых уже не только окупил себя, но позволил тем, кто вложился в разработку вернуть деньги с процентами! Люди готовы покупать интересное, и подолгу тратить время на увлекательное. Ссылка на комментарий
magicm3n Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Тебе бы книги писать, а то впустую талантом раскидываешься столько фантастических трактатов писать ;) Ссылка на комментарий
chp Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Весна - обострение фантазий? ;) Ещё веселее дело в `реалистичных` шутерах типа ARMA3 - все так беспечны/смелы, тк после `KIA` можно сходить за чаем и потом сделать реконнект. Вот непускали бы их в следующую миссию / на сервак много дней. Или ресурсы / боеприпасы учитывали бы.. ухудшение снабжения при перебитой технике. К сожалению, в гонках дайвбомберы не только свой но и бютжет без вины виноватого могут забрать. Вот соженные тормоза с сцеплением - это пусть трушно учитывается. Не сумевшие не врезаться в машину/челов в боксах - геймовер. Не сумевшие сделать разогревочный круг и встать на стартовую решетку (и доехать до боксов на парад-круге) - давайдосвидания =) Ссылка на комментарий
toropyga Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Режим хардкор - отключить быстрые починки у руканов и Д :) И вымрет иР без свежей крови :) Ссылка на комментарий
Yamamosya Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 А вот просто тестдрайв, любой машины, попробовать именно перед покупкой - была бы очень полезная функция. Или могли бы сделать еще аренду. Они понимают что будут при таком варианте меньше зарабатывать, у меня пол гаража хлама ненужного)Большинство из них сдал бы после тест-драйва. 1 Ссылка на комментарий
ARCHDimON Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 В стиме где то есть игра, шутер от первого лица, супер-мега хардкорен. Одна жизнь на всю игру, один раз погибаешь и доступ блокируется на вечность. Давайте такое и в ир сделаем - раз машину разбил и больше на ней ездить не можешь. Вот это реал хардкор. Вот это я понимаю сириус гейминг. Подурели. Ссылка на комментарий
GranDoxin Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Режим хардкор - отключить быстрые починки у руканов и Д И вымрет иР без свежей крови Для начала сделать школу мастерства, чуть чуть экономики, и чуть чуть более френдлибл велком - и Ир захлебнется новой кровью.. )) А там трушники сами попросятся в режим хардкор от новой крови отделится.. ))) Много новой крови бывает только там, где увлекательно. Ссылка на комментарий
naga16 Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Ну да, когда на стримы приходят люди, узнают что тут принято бороться, а не крашить соперников налево и направо, и уходят со словами "ну, так скучно, я в <gamename> только ради устраивания завалов играю. Даже и не знаю, нужна ли IR такая "новая кровь". "Сложность" на входе (типа разобраться с сайтом и т.д) позволяет отсекать тех, кто пришел покататься, оставляя тех, кто реально заинтересован в симуляторе соревнований, а не вышел, проехал 3 круга и пошел на другую комбу машины/трассы потому что скучно же на одной(ну 2-3) комбе ездить всю неделю, да и то, большую часть времени в практиках сидеть Ссылка на комментарий
GranDoxin Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 А вот для этого школа и нужна.. что бы научить как надо, отсеять, не пустить дальше крашеров.. Ссылка на комментарий
ARCHDimON Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 А вот для этого школа и нужна.. что бы научить как надо, отсеять, не пустить дальше крашеров.. такое подобие школы есть в ГТ, но чет слабо отсеивается. Ссылка на комментарий
GranDoxin Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 такое подобие школы есть в ГТ, но чет слабо отсеивается. В ГТ школа с упором больше на развлечение, чем на учебу.. А главное сам процесс гонок никаким образом не стимулирует корректное поведение на трассе. Ты хоть заучи их в обучении, если на трассе потом можно безнаказанно толкаться - будут толкаться.. Нет ни стимула, ни ограничений. Нормальная виртуальная школа должна должна подготовить к тому, как себя вести на трассе, научить приемам вождения, пользоваться шинами, выполнять питстопы, изучить трассы, обгонять, позволять себя обгонять, ездить без оффтреков и т.п. Что то подобное было в школе ГТР2. Сделать школу эффективной - это чисто технический вопрос. Правильный подбор заданий, грамотные объяснения, удобное пользование, увлекательный процесс. А за отсев в Ир отвечает рейтинг.. Ссылка на комментарий
Dark Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Новички приходят и остаются благодаря стримам. Я и сам такой вот нубас-неофит, да и тройку других таких же нубов знаю. На стримы, кстати, частенько набегают уже опытные пилоты, что дают вполне себе дельные советы. 2 Ссылка на комментарий
GranDoxin Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 4 марта, 2016 Я и сам такой вот нубас-неофит, да и тройку других таких же нубов знаю. На стримы, кстати, частенько набегают уже опытные пилоты, что дают вполне себе дельные советы. Ну это молодеж новички.. Я вот на стримах был несколько раз в жизни, и то потому, что меня взяли за руку, привели, посадили и попросили покомментировать этот стрим ))) До этого момента толком не знал что это слово означает.. Стрим ничему не научит. А школа мастерства - может обучить многому. Ссылка на комментарий
Lexi Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 кто-нибудь знает, поддержка DirectX 9 в новом сезоне останется или будет только DirectX 11? Ссылка на комментарий
Loggy Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Дх9 будет основным режимом пока что. ДХ11 опция 1 Ссылка на комментарий
Lexi Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 (изменено) спасибо большое, а то сидел и гадал, будет ли запускаться у меня iracing на GeForce 9600 gt в новом сезоне. Изменено 5 марта, 2016 пользователем Lexi Ссылка на комментарий
ARCHDimON Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 с осени дх9 выпилят. Ссылка на комментарий
_rar Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 5 марта, 2016 Понятно. Значит будем тестить новую графику до осени. Ссылка на комментарий
VeTeR Опубликовано 6 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 6 марта, 2016 Про ТестДрайв тут 1 Ссылка на комментарий
_rar Опубликовано 7 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 7 марта, 2016 (изменено) А есть офф.список грядущих нововведений? Или интригу нагнетают? Изменено 7 марта, 2016 пользователем _rat Ссылка на комментарий
Loggy Опубликовано 7 марта, 2016 Поделиться Опубликовано 7 марта, 2016 Патчноут в день или за день до обновлений Пока его нет Ссылка на комментарий
Популярный пост tescatlipoka Опубликовано 8 марта, 2016 Популярный пост Поделиться Опубликовано 8 марта, 2016 (изменено) Патч-ноут Welcome to 2016 Season 2! This release features a whopping FOUR new vehicles: Audi R8 LMS GT3, Formula Renault 2.0, Mercedes-AMG GT3, and Mazda MX-5 Cup. Try them all and find out which one is going to be your favorite! With this release we are also launching a few brand new systems to further enhance your sim racing experience. We have added a DirectX 11 mode for the Sim to streamline the rendering process and reduce the CPU bottleneck inherent in our complex scenes. The Dynamic Tire Debris Accumulation system will actually show you in real-time what's sticking to your tires based on our physics calculations and the Dynamic Track. We have also expanded our horizons, literally, and are proud to introduce the Time of Day feature including both Morning and Late Afternoon as options on all tracks and race modes. We have enhanced our Netcode with an option for greater bandwidth, allowing more information to pass between you and our servers. A new easy-to-use video capture tool has also been rolled directly into the Sim with this release. Also, our vehicle audio, including engine sounds, tires, gear shifting, and much more has been made even more realistic with this release. All of these systems help to enhance our realism and raise the bar on what you can expect from the quality of your favorite racing simulator. We hope you enjoy this release; see you out on the track! Website - Added the ability to select the time of day to drive in Test Mode and Hosted Mode. Results will also now show the time of day for the session. - All pages that reach into the backend for stats are sped up significantly. - The My Series Results page has been rewritten and optimized; it should be much more responsive now! - Hosted Sessions should now remember the correct league selections when editing. - The modal window that appears when you receive a gift is now sizing and building correctly. - The Replays page now features a message explaining how it works. - The All Teams page now requires you to search before displaying any results, which should expedite loading of the page. You must search with a minimum of 4 characters. - The Team Series Stats page will now only display Official Series. - Fixed places where Open Practices appear available as a joinable link, but should not be due to license restrictions. - In the Team Registration modal window, Autofill will no longer input your email address as your team name. - Pre-Driver Chat has been removed from Pre-Race. - Toned down the look & feel of the “To-Do” buttons across page headers. This includes yellow, red, green, and blue. Billing - Earlier last month, we added Paymentwall as an additional Payment Option for all of our customers. Paymentwall is a safe and secure way to pay for purchases made within iRacing. Paymentwall allows you to pay with a wide range of local payment options and currencies, so that you may choose the most convenient method for your purchase. These payment options include Gift Cards, Mobile, Prepaid Cards, Bank Transfer, and various local options for your country. Paymentwall offers the highest level of security and is trusted by over 150 million users worldwide. Updater - The iRacing Updater will now ensure that it has updated itself before checking and/or installing MSVC, DirectX, EAC, and D3DGear. This could have caused the self-update process to time out and not complete the update for some people. Paint Kit - Virtual Racing School sponsor added. - iRacing logos have been updated to a newer version. - The Inside Sim Racing sponsor has been updated. Simulation - Substantially reduced the time required for the simulator to exit. - If a race server rejects your attempt to connect to it, it will now provide a more helpful message explaining why, instead of a generic messages about your connection being closed. Race Control - Fixed a bug where racers would only be allowed up to 8 minutes to finish their lap after the leader finishes a race. This should enable racers to complete their final lap on tracks with longer configs. - Fixed an issue where sometimes incident limits were being reported in sessions which did not actually have incident limits. Dynamic Track - Marble creation rate has been roughly doubled. - Fixed an issue where marbles were getting cleared from oval tracks during cautions even when the "Automatically clean marbles" option was disabled. Netcode - Two new Connection Type selections are now available on the main Account->My Account page, under Preferences. These selections allow higher network bandwidth usage between the simulation and the race servers. Mostly, this allows the server to send more detailed data for each opponent car and/or more opponent cars to the simulation. If your computer, graphics card, and Internet connection are all fast enough, and you select one of these new options, you’ll likely also want to adjust the in-sim Options->Graphics “Max Cars” setting to take advantage of the extra allowed bandwidth usage. Garage - Initial temperatures of wheels and tires have been improved, especially for cars with tire warmers. Previously, the entire wheel and tire was heated to the tire warmer temperature; now only the tire surface is heated to the specified temperature, while the wheel is more appropriately closer to the ambient temperature. This may produce a subtle change in ride height in the garage, so cars with tire warmers may need an adjustment to pass Tech if they were close to the limit on ride height. Rendering - The "Two-Pass Trees" rendering option is now functional on ALL tracks. DirectX 9 - Added a new option to the "renderer.ini" file named, “ReduceCockpitFlicker,” which is enabled by default. This option reduces the z-fighting and flickering between objects that can sometimes be seen in vehicle cockpits while racing at very large tracks. - Fixed an issue with the rendering of fog over the Dynamic Track, which occurred when rendering the Dynamic Track as a separate pass via the setting in the “renderer.ini” file. - The flare intensity of headlights has been reduced during the daytime. - Fixed several issues with physically based rendering at night tracks. - Fixed an issue with shadow maps that caused some of them to periodically render using incorrect texture sampling. DirectX 11 - A preliminary “beta” version of a DirectX 11 based version of the Simulator is now available for testing and is provided via two additional executables, a 32-bit version named “iracingSimDX11.exe,” and a 64-bit version named “iRacingSim64DX11.exe.” You may select to use either the DirectX 9 or DirectX 11 version, as well as choose between the 32-bit or 64-bit version of the Simulator using the “Settings” page of the member site. We recommend using the 64-bit version if possible. - The Graphics Options settings for the DirectX 11 version are stored separately from those for the DirectX 9 version; they can be found in the “rendererDX11.ini” file. This file will be created automatically after launching the DirectX 11 version of the simulator for the first time, which will also initiate the auto-configuration process. - The configuration options for the DirectX 11 versions, including the resolution and refresh rate as selected during the auto-configuration, are stored in a new section of “app.ini” file named, “[Graphics DX11].” - Please note that when setting up any application overrides in your GPU’s device driver’s settings to take care to set them for the correct executable name(s). PopcornFX - The color of debris and dust is now tinted based upon the surface from which it was gathered. - Increased the accuracy of the tire widths for debris related positional effects. - Enhanced the accuracy for position and velocity offsets of particles. - Grass debris particles now have a greater size variation. - Dust particle velocity has been improved. - Fixed an issue with smoke being lit incorrectly at night. Audio - New tire roll, scrub, and skid sounds have been added. - Updated all vehicle shift sounds and tuned volume levels. - Engine sounds will transition smoother between loads and throttle changes. - All vehicles now make gear shifting sounds that are audible both inside and outside of a vehicle. - Tires will now make sound when spinning while the car is stationary. - Updated the audio frequency of rumble strip and curb sound effects. - Fixed an issue where the sound buffer was not getting properly cleared while the Sim was shutting down, sometimes causing an annoying looping noise. Opponent Cars - Smoke and debris generated by opponent vehicles can now be seen. - Opponent vehicles now show wheelspin and lockup, and skids and smoke from these actions are more realistic. - Fixed a bug that was causing distant opponent cars to appear to have minor systems malfunctions; such as the DRS wing twitching, or pit limiter lights blinking. Dynamic Tire Debris Accumulation - Tires on all vehicles now visually show the accumulation and dispersal of debris. This includes materials such as grass, gravel, rubber marbles, dust, and sand. These materials are picked up when driven over based on the surface type, grip, and speed of the vehicle, and then they are removed over time by the same factors. The physics model for this activity has already been running since last season's update, so there is no change to driving characteristics, but now you can see the effects! Vehicle Headlights - We have added the ability for some of our cars to flash their headlights. Sports cars use this ability to notify a driver in front of them that they are about to attempt a pass. Mapping the function to a button will allow the headlights to flash on and off several times each key press. The cars that have been updated to utilize this new ability include: - - Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 - - Audi R8 LMS GT3 - - BMW Z4 GT3 - - Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1 - - Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype - - Ford GT GT3 - - HPD ARX-01c - - McLaren MP4-12C GT3 - - Mercedes-AMG GT3 - - Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype - - Ruf RT 12R C-Spec - - Ruf RT 12R Track Time of Day - When creating a race you are now able to set a Time of Day parameter which includes two additional options beyond the traditional Afternoon and Night; Morning and Late Afternoon. Both new selections adjust the position of the sun in the sky, and affect the race just as this would in real life. This feature is available for all tracks and in all session modes. Pit - Lollipop Guy has received an animation overhaul, and will appear much more realistic! Video Capture - A new video capture system has been added to the Sim based on the D3DGear capture engine. By default, the hotkey "Ctrl-Alt-Shift-V" will toggle video capture on and off. Video is saved to the [documents]\iRacing\videos\ folder. - By default video is captured at 720p and 30 fps using the WMV video container. You can change the default video quality and format by editing the [Video] section of the "app.ini" file. - Unfortunately, the Windows 8 and Windows 10 Metro Player cannot load video for Windows codecs, so the video captured by this tool will need to be played in Windows Media Player or a third party video player. - Windows Media Player (WMP) cannot handle the AVI2 (OpenML) file format. This format allows AVI files to grow beyond the 2 GB file limit. You will need to use a third party player such as Video LAN Player (VLC) or MPC-HC. - A new screen capture system has also been added along with the video capture feature. By default, hitting "Ctrl-Alt-Shift-S" will save a screenshot of the sim to [documents]\iRacing\screenshots\ folder. - Due to a limitation of our control handling code we cannot trigger a screenshot or toggle video capture when a dialog is opened. This effectively makes it impossible to take a screenshot of the garage or settings dialogs. However, you can get around this limitation by starting to capture video before you enter the Garage or other options screens and then stopping the video capture once you exit that screen. We are looking into ways to work around this limitation. - You can disable the loading of our video capture module by setting "videoCaptureEnabled=0" under the [Video] section in the "app.ini" file. Replay - Fixed an issue where opponent vehicle wheels would appear to rotate incorrectly when viewing replays frame-by-frame, or rewinding. Macros - Text chat macro speed is no longer limited when applying a pit or admin command. Now users can use "#fuel +1g$" to increment fuel in their tank without waiting a second between button presses! Telemetry - Legacy telemetry (NR2003 Telemetry) is now disabled by default. It can be turned on again in the "app.ini" file by adjusting the "enableLegacyTelemetry=1" option. This interface is deprecated and will be removed from the sim next season. - Session times are now reported with 4 decimals of precision. ARX - Examples have been updated. - Fixed an issue with iOS where the UI would zoom when the app was rotated to landscape. - ARX can now handle automatic unit conversions using either a string type or an offset/scalar pair. - ARX data transmissions are now limited to 10 times per second to prevent overload. ATLAS - The ATLAS Installer has been updated, and it now fully automates the process of configuring ATLAS to work with iRacing ".ibt" files. - A new Quickstart Guide has also been added to the ATLAS Installer. Oculus Rift - Fixed a bug where night track shadow volumes were rendering incorrectly in one eye. Peripherals - Fixed a potential crashing issue while Force Feedback is enabled in a 64-bit operating system. CARS Aston Martin DBR9 GT1 - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Audi R8 LMS GT3 - New car added! - The Audi R8 LMS GT3 ranks among the most successful GT3 cars with more than 200 international wins in events such as the Bathurst 12 Hours and Nürburgring 24 Hours, along with back-to-back championships in the 2014 and 2015 Blancpain Endurance and Blancpain GT Series. In contrast to its all-wheel drive road going version, the R8 LMS GT3 is built by Audi Sport and quattro GmbH to comply with the rear wheel drive only GT3 regulations. However, the superb balance and impressive power to weight ratio of the R8 LMS GT3 have made it a winner in virtually every series in which it's competed. - This vehicle is capable of flashing its headlights. BMW Z4 GT3 - Season setups have been added. - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - TC algorithm updated to use a mix of longitudinal and lateral slip to cut throttle. At very low speeds, only longitudinal slip is used, making it easier to 180 degree spin the car with TC engaged. At low speeds in the range of power down out of 2nd gear corners, combined longitudinal and lateral slip are used to provide a little bit of stability control. At higher speeds, only longitudinal slip is used to give the driver greater ability to use throttle to set the attitude of the car. - Two additional sets of level-of-detail artwork have been added. - Tires have been updated to match those of the Mercedes-AMG GT3. - Lumirank system has been added to match the Blancpain GT3 Series. - Tires have been converted to Pirelli. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated engine sounds. - Updated tire sounds. Cadillac CTS-V Racecar - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Chevrolet Corvette C6.R GT1 - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Chevrolet Corvette C7 Daytona Prototype - Brakes have been adjusted to reduce sensitivity to lock-up. - Slightly increased engine inertia. - Body panels may now be fully repaired during optional repairs. - When the front clip is heavily damaged, the pit crew will now replace the whole nose during a pitstop. This replacement takes approximately 2.5 minutes (they also have to swap the radiator and other mechanical parts), but does not show up as a repair countdown timer in the UI, so be patient if the stop appears to be delaying and you'll get a shiny new nose soon enough. This should help with the errant black flags for damage that this car is known to generate. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS - Season setups have been updated. - Reduced tire grip. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. Dallara DW12 - Season setups have been updated. - Rear wing will now be replaced during pitstops if it has damage. - Digital scoreboard has been added. Ford Falcon FG V8 - Tint of cockpit windows has been reduced slightly. - Updated tire sounds. Ford GT - Updated tire sounds. Ford GT GT3 - Season setups have been added. - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - TC algorithm updated to use a mix of longitudinal and lateral slip to cut throttle. At very low speeds, only longitudinal slip is used, making it easier to 180 degree spin the car with TC engaged. At low speeds in the range of power down out of 2nd gear corners, combined longitudinal and lateral slip are used to provide a little bit of stability control. At higher speeds, only longitudinal slip is used to give the driver greater ability to use throttle to set the attitude of the car. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Ford Mustang FR500S - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Formula Renault 2.0 - New car added! - Since its debut in 2000, Formula Renault 2.0 has been a vital springboard to the upper echelons of open wheel racing for the likes of Lewis Hamilton, Kimi Räikkönen, Felipe Massa, Valtteri Bottas, Daniel Ricciardo and Romain Grosjean. Featuring a spec chassis and budget caps, Formula Renault places a premium on driver ability and proven to be a popular national series in Europe, South America and Asia over the years. Currently the three leading Formula Renault 2.0 Series are the Eurocup Formula Renault 2.0, the Formula Renault 2.0 Asia and Formula Renault NEC in northern Europe. - Season setups have been added. Holden Commodore VF V8 - Tint of cockpit windows has been reduced slightly. - Updated tire sounds. HPD ARX-01c - Body panels may now be fully repaired. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Kia Optima - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Legends Ford '34 Coupe - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. Lotus 49 - Updated tire sounds. Lotus 79 - Chassis torsion has been added. - Front mass and inertia have been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. Mazda MX-5 Cup - New vehicle added! - The newest Mazda MX-5 embodies the classic top down, sports car characteristics that have made previous generations of MX-5s genuine classics: an engaging blend of power, nimble handling and comfort in an affordable package. iRacing is proud to have contributed to the design and development of the MX-5 which, like its predecessors, quickly became the world’s most raced production car with the Battery Tender MX-5 Cup in North America and similar series in Europe and Asia. Each year the international Mazda MX-5 competition culminates in the crowning of the Global MX-5 overall series champion during the Global Finale at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. - This vehicle has been granted to all users for free! Mazda MX-5 Cup circa 2015 - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Mazda MX-5 Roadster circa 2015 - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. McLaren MP4-12C GT3 - Season setups have been updated. - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - TC algorithm updated to use a mix of longitudinal and lateral slip to cut throttle. At very low speeds, only longitudinal slip is used, making it easier to 180 degree spin the car with TC engaged. At low speeds in the range of power down out of 2nd gear corners, combined longitudinal and lateral slip are used to provide a little bit of stability control. At higher speeds, only longitudinal slip is used to give the driver greater ability to use throttle to set the attitude of the car. - Lumirank system has been added to match the Blancpain GT3 Series. - Tires have been converted to Pirelli. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated engine sounds. - Updated tire sounds. McLaren MP4-30 - Tire wear and degradation rate has been increased. - Updated tire sounds. Mercedes-AMG GT3 - New car added! - With a lineage hearkening back to the SLS AMG GT3 and more than 180 wins in international competition from Bathurst and Dubai to Spa and the Nürburgring, the Mercedes AMG GT3 is a potent addition to the GT3 category. While styling cues like its gullwing doors and Panamericana radiator grille pay homage to Mercedes' glorious history, the Mercedes AMG GT3 epitomizes state-of-the-art technology with its "front mid-engine" 6.2 liter, DOHC V8 and six speed sequential gearbox mounted in a transaxle to provide optimum weight distribution. Aluminum, double wishbone suspension, multi-disc, limited-slip differential and traction control complete a package campaigned by the likes of Black Falcon, Fortec, GT Russian and Rowe Racing in the Blancpain GT and Blancpain Endurance Series. - This vehicle is capable of flashing its headlights. Modified - SK - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Camping World Chevrolet Silverado - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Camping World Toyota Tundra - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR K&N Pro Chevrolet Impala - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Nationwide Chevrolet Impala circa 2011 - Season setups have been updated. - Shock springs have been added. - Suspension has been adjusted slightly. - Tire grip has been adjusted slightly. - Chassis torsion adjusted slightly. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet Impala COT circa 2013 - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Sprint Cup Chevrolet SS - Season setups have been updated. - 2016 Rules Package adjustments: tire, gear, and aero adjustments. - Slightly modified drafting capabilities to reduce pack speeds. - Drag has been increased for all tracks except super speedways. - This vehicle now loads the restrictor plate engine package on the Oval configs at Autodromo Nazionale Monza. - Several new sets of level-of-detail artwork have been added for better performance, especially when used at night to match the other Gen 6 cars. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Sprint Cup Ford Fusion - Season setups have been updated. - 2016 Rules Package adjustments: tire, gear, and aero adjustments. - Slightly modified drafting capabilities to reduce pack speeds. - Drag has been increased for all tracks except super speedways. - This vehicle now loads the restrictor plate engine package on the Oval configs at Autodromo Nazionale Monza. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated engine sounds. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Sprint Cup Toyota Camry - Season setups have been updated. - 2016 Rules Package adjustments: tire, gear, and aero adjustments. - Slightly modified drafting capabilities to reduce pack speeds. - Drag has been increased for all tracks except super speedways. - This vehicle now loads the restrictor plate engine package on the Oval configs at Autodromo Nazionale Monza. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Truck Series Chevrolet Silverado circa 2013 - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR Whelen Tour Modified - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR XFINITY Chevrolet Camaro - Season setups have been updated. - Shock springs have been added. - Suspension has been adjusted slightly. - Tire grip has been adjusted slightly. - Chassis torsion adjusted slightly. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR XFINITY Ford Mustang - Season setups have been updated. - Shock springs have been added. - Suspension has been adjusted slightly. - Tire grip has been adjusted slightly. - Chassis torsion adjusted slightly. - Updated engine sounds. - Updated tire sounds. NASCAR XFINITY Toyota Camry - Season setups have been updated. - Shock springs have been added. - Suspension has been adjusted slightly. - Tire grip has been adjusted slightly. - Chassis torsion adjusted slightly. - Updated tire sounds. Pontiac Solstice - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Pontiac Solstice - Rookie - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. Radical SR8 - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been added. - Tire grip has been increased. - Aero balance adjusted forwards. - Adjusted torque slightly. - Dampers are now 3-way adjustable to match real-world counterpart. - Reduced roll heat multiplier to keep tires a bit cooler. - Maximum RPM for shift light has been reduced to 10,400. - Updated tire sounds. Riley MkXX Daytona Prototype - Body panels may now be fully repaired. - Chassis torsion has been added. - Slightly increased engine inertia. - Updated level-of-detail artwork. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Ruf RT 12R AWD - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Ruf RT 12R C-Spec - Season setups have been updated. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. Ruf RT 12R RWD - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. Ruf RT 12R Track - Season setups have been added. - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - TC algorithm updated to use a mix of longitudinal and lateral slip to cut throttle. At very low speeds, only longitudinal slip is used, making it easier to 180 degree spin the car with TC engaged. At low speeds, in the range of power down out of 2nd gear corners, combined longitudinal and lateral slip are used to provide a little bit of stability control. At higher speeds, only longitudinal slip is used to give the driver greater ability to use throttle to set the attitude of the car. - Minimum weight has been increased by 10kg for the GT3 BOP. - Lumirank system has been added to match the Blancpain GT3 Series. - This vehicle is now capable of flashing its headlights. - Updated tire sounds. SCCA Spec Racer Ford - Chassis torsion has been added. - Adjusted inertia slightly. - Updated tire sounds. Silver Crown - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. Skip Barber Formula 2000 - Updated tire sounds. Sprint Car - Season setups have been updated. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. Star Mazda - Season setups have been updated. - Tires now heat up faster; the goal is to have the tires come in more quickly from cold. Ideally, a fast lap is a timed 3rd or 4th lap. - Greater force pedal displacement is now required to generate equivalent stopping power. This change addresses real-world feedback. - Aero balance shifted significantly forward to better reflect wind tunnel data. - Tire stiffness has been greatly reduced at both front and rear. Tires now seem better matched and have slightly more progressive breakaway characteristics. - Torsional stiffness has been cut in half to align more with numbers data. - Updated tire sounds. Street Stock - Season setups have been updated. - Drafting suck up has been increased in order to improve passing at large tracks. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. Super Late Model - Season setups have been updated. - Reduced tire grip slightly. - Chassis torsion has been adjusted. - Updated tire sounds. V8 Supercar Ford Falcon circa 2012 - Updated tire sounds. VW Jetta TDI Cup - Braking performance during big slides has been improved by altering the ABS slip calculations. - Updated tire sounds. TRACKS Autodromo Jose Carlos Pace - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix and Moto configs. Autodromo Nazionale Monza - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Combined Chicanes, Full, Grand Prix Second Chicanes, Historic, Historic Second Chicane, Junior, No Chicane, Oval, and Oval Left configs. Barber Motorsports Park - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full, Short A, and Short B configs. Brands Hatch Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix and Indy configs. Canadian Tire Motorsports Park - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps - Fixed the collision volume to better match the tire wall on the right-side of Les Combes. Circuit Gilles Villeneuve - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Circuit of the Americas - The track surface textures and walls have all been converted to our PBR shader system. This includes the various asphalt, grass, gravel, curbing, Armco, and fence textures around the track. These surfaces will now appear more physically correct. Circuit Park Zandvoort - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix, Club, National, Chicane, and Oostelijk configs. Circuit Zolder - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix and Alt configs. Concord Speedway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Daytona International Speedway - Pit crews have been removed from the Short config. - Fixed a bug where you would get a Black Flag for exiting the Pits on the Bike config. Donington Park Racing Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix and National configs. Five Flags Speedway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Gateway Motorsports Park - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Oval and Road configs. Langley Speedway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Lanier National Speedway - Loading image for night-mode has been updated. Lime Rock Park - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full and Chicane configs. - Fixed a visual seam that could be seen in the distant mountains while driving near the unnamed straight that leads to the uphill. Long Beach Street Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full, Short, Chicane, Oval, and Alt Oval configs. Mount Panorama Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. New Smyrna Speedway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Nürburgring - Adjusted which objects appear in the vicinity of the front straight of the Nürburgring Grand Prix when graphics settings are set to "Low Detail" to help with frame rate. - Weather information has been updated. Okayama International Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full and Short configs. Oran Park Raceway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix, Moto, North, North A, North B, and South configs. Oulton Park Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Fosters, Fosters with Historic Loop, International, International Brittens, International Historic Loop, International No Chicane, Island, and Island Historic configs. Phillip Island Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded. Phoenix International Raceway - 2008 - A Gain Time Checkpoint has been added to the inside of T7. Road Atlanta - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full, Club, and Short configs. Sebring International Raceway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Club, International, and Modified configs. Silverstone Circuit - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Grand Prix, Historic Grand Prix, International, National, and Southern configs. Sonoma Raceway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Cup, IRL, IRL2, and Long configs. - A yellow line has been added to the drag strip. South Boston Speedway - Fixed a terrain detail issue on the outside of turn 4. - Loading image has been updated. Southern National Motorsports Park - Night mode is now available at this track. - The speed limit for the back stretch of pit road now matches the front stretch of pit road. - Weather information has been updated. - Lighting has been updated. - Loading image has been updated. Stafford Motor Speedway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Oval and Short configs. Summit Point Raceway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Raceway, Short, and Jefferson configs. Twin Ring Motegi - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full RC, East, and West configs. Virginia International Raceway - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Full, Patriot, North, South, East, and West configs. Watkins Glen International - Pit Stalls and Starting Grids have been expanded for the Classic, Full Course, Full No Loop, and Cup Circuit configs. Тут можно скачать Точнее - можно будет скачать, пока прикрыли. Изменено 8 марта, 2016 пользователем VeTeR 8 Ссылка на комментарий
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