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Весь контент Puzoter

  1. Давайте одну трассу в тумане проедем :rolleyes:
  2. Интересная тема заглохла. В появились g29, но мало, g920 нет вовсе. Цена 35000 рублей, что, мягко говоря, много.
  3. Эх, я думал топлива залили на всю гонку как в практике, а тут такая подстава... Даниил, извини, машина была поврежденная и недотормозила. Алекс, ну вот так вылетать-продолжать гонку нельзя, себя убил, других убил. В целом ехать страшно, хвост пелетона агрессивно едет атакует, уворачиваться в поворотах некуда; то ли я торомоз, то ли другие очень смелые :)
  4. Если делать сбор средств, то я бы уже сейчас начал (причем нужен валютный кошелек, а не рублевый), пока курс держится. А к весне уже что угодно может произойти.
  5. Лицензия нужна не для того, чтобы шильдик в игре повесить, а для того, чтобы получить доступ к ТТХ машины. А если делать как китайцы, то и физика будет как у китайцев :)
  6. Давайте попробуем фиксированные настройки. Можно не один вариант, а, скажем, 4 разных вида.
  7. Теперь двигатель только один.
  8. Чего-то я не понимаю. В официальных спецификациях по многим пунктам 780-я превосходит 980-ю. Странные они.
  9. Вроде сектора определяют для каждой серии отдельно организаторы гонок, а не владельцы трассы.
  10. Хм. Они решили отказаться от двух моторов и вставить один большой. И слово "серво" тут сугубо маркетологическое, печаль.
  11. В основном шина греется от двух вещей: деформация шины и скольжение шины по асфальту. Чем больше давление, тем "тверже" шина, тем меньше деформация, тем меньше температура. В то же время, чем "тверже" шина, тем меньше сцепления, тем больше скольжений, тем выше температура. Тебе надо сбалансировать давление под свой стиль пилотирования. Ну и беречь шины надо аккуратным пилотажем.
  12. Доподлинно неизвестно, эту информацию держат в тайне. Определяется на глаз. В ГТ3 условно можно считать, что 95 градусов это недогрев, 110 - перегрев. Температура шин в ире влияет двумя способами. Первое - давление шины, тут все понятно. Второе - химическое состояние шин. Известно, что оно неким образом моделируется, каким именно - не известно. Чем больше ты перегреваешь шины, тем сильнее меняешь их сцепные свойства. Износ резины - это остаток протектора. На сколько я понимаю, сам по себе он не должен сильно влиять на скорость машины.
  13. В этом случае руль явно лишний :laugh:
  14. Зачем так сложно, если наверняка можно баранку подключать непосредственно к компьютеру, минуя базу.
  15. Продублирую: Tires - Fixed a mathematical instability bug where the tires could begin to jitter and shake and feel slippery, particularly after driving around at low speeds and/or on a cold track for a while. UI - Fix to make right click popups work properly when in triple display mode. Controls - Support seperate triggers on the X-Box One controller. Chevrolet Corvette C6R - Updated baseline.sto. Chevrolet SS-Gen6 - Added sonoma.sto and sonoma_hof.sto. Dallara DW12 - Fixed a bug where telemetry was reporting the fuel density incorrectly. - Increased the '3rd spring gap' at ovals to correctly show that the 3rd spring can never be engaged. - Alter 3rd spring gap pass/fail limits at all oval tracks so gap can never fall into the red and fail tech on an otherwise passable setup. - Updated phoenix_2012.sto. Dallara IndyCar - Fixed a bug where telemetry was reporting the fuel density incorrectly. Ford Fusion-Gen6 - Added sonoma.sto and sonoma_hof.sto. HPD ARX-01c - Update 6th gear rev lights in order to engage all the lights by 9900 rpm. Lotus 49 - Fixed fuel conversions between UK and US gallons. Lotus 79 - Fixed fuel conversions between UK and US gallons. McLaren MP4-12C GT3 - Updated baseline.sto. Spec Racer Ford - Updated baseline.sto. Star Mazda - Improved the calibration of the dashboard's speed indicator. Toyota Camry-Gen6 - Added sonoma.sto and sonoma_hof.sto.
  16. А, вспомнил, говорили же про патч для "бага" с холодными шинами.
  17. Тааадам: http://www.fanatec.c...categories/blog The day has come and I am proud to show you the brand new ClubSport Wheel Base V2. Although it looks familiar to you it has almost no part which has not been modified or replaced to make it a better base. Our focus was durability, durability, durability and then performance. And while we made a radical re-design, we decided to make an offer nobody can refuse. The smoothness, vividness and precision of a Direct Drive wheel combined with a torque increase of about 75% and (optional) compatibility to the latest gaming consoles. And all that with a moderate price increase. Here are the details: 7 Ultra Precise We replaced the optical sensor with two magnetic high resolution hall sensors mounted on both the motor and the steering axis. The new sensors have double the resolution and the magnetic sensore are less vulnerable to dust or scratched code discs. 6 Smoothastic The cogging of this system cannot be felt by a human anymore. It is incredible smooth and feels natural and realistic. It is on par or better with the best and most expensive wheel out there although those wheels costs a multiple of the CSW B V2. Every little bump can be felt and effects which were filtered by the wheel mechanics can now be felt. Your racing simulations will feel different and new to you. 5 Rock Solid Our focus was to achieve high durability even for hardcore users. • Improved QR release with rubber o-ring and less tolerance in production • A brushless motor which can be cooled much easier as it gets hot on the outside and not on the inside so heat can be transfered better • New cooling system featuring an additional fan on the backside right behind the new huge heat sink • Integrated heat sensor inside the motor • Motor can now even be operated at 180 C° although the FOR overclocking would be de-activated already at 120 C° and FF would shut down at 130°C. The motor has plenty of power so most people will not use max settings anyway. And during betatests it never happened that a motor was shut down or the FF was cut due to overheating. • Ball bearings on the motor axis and bigger ball bearings inside the pulleys so we can increase the belt tension and avoid any belt slip. At the same time we have much less drag in the system. • Magnetic sensors instead of the optical so we avoid problems with dust and scratches • New main cable • New electronics • And many other small improvements to the overall build quality 4 Power. A lot. The new motor is custom designed and exclusive to Fanatec. Although the gear ratio has been changed to increase the rotation speed, it delivers about 75% more torque than the CSW B V1. This means over 7 NM of sheer power and this is enough to use even heavy rims with no disadvantages. The size of the power supply has also increased in order to feed the big motor. 3 Brushless Servo A brushless servo motor is currently state-of-the-art for force feedback systems and in principle this is exactly the same motor as the most expensive direct drive base units out there. • Smooth performance with no cogging (in combination with our Poly-V belt drive system or direct drive) • Easier to cool as the heat is on the outside of the motor and not on the motor shaft • Strong axis with ball bearings • Optimized for use in stall at max power • Fast acceleration • More efficiency -> more torque with same power We had to develop entire new electronics for that motor as the motor driver is quite complex. Now that it is done we can easily use it for smaller brushless motors or a direct drive wheel. 2 Next Generation The ClubSport Wheel Base V2 is the next generation of ourwheel base but there is also a strong demand of wheels for “Next-Gen” consoles. People were asking us to make their wheels compatible to the Xbox One and Playstation 4 but if we want to make it official and legal then we need to follow the rules of the console makers and they clearly do not allow that. So how can we make a product where there is a chance that the customer can keep at least most of the equipment he purchased? We can easily make the pedals, shifters and handbrake compatible and this is what we did but what about the base unit? And how can we make a product multi-platform compatible if we can only get approval for a license if the product has only the symbols of either one console on it? We came up with an idea which brings modularity to a whole new level and protects your investment. If you play on PC then just go ahead and purchase the wheel base as it is and you will not be bothered with symbols which might hurt your eye. But if you want to enjoy the painless simplicity of a console with its great exclusive racing simulations then you will get the option to buy an optional steering wheel which will add full console compatibility to this base. We want to achieve compatibility to both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and we are happy to announce that we already signed a contract with one of them. We will announce this product at the end of this year. There will be multiple steering wheels available in different price ranges and they will compatible to several Fanatec base units from mid-range to direct drive. 1 By Invitation Only The great response we get from our beta testers lead us to the conclusion that the demand for this product will be much bigger than the supply. Production output will be lower as before as we spend even more time on quality control and testing. At the same time we want to honor the loyalty of our existing customers and want to offer a special pre-order discount for the owners of the current ClubSport and CSR Elite base so that they can enjoy a little upgrade advantage. This is how it works: • We will send an e-mail to our webshop customers with an invite code. There will be several waves of e-mails in the next months. • Only after you entered the code to your profile page you will be able to purchase or pre-order this product • After you purchased one V2 base you will receive a second code. You can give that to a friend or buy a second base. • Only one code will be given with a purchase as we want to avoid that people are selling their products or invites on eBay and make money with it. • We will also give away invites in giveaway events so frequent followers of the blog or Facebook will also get a chance to get an invite This is the priority we will use for the invites to make it as fair and transparent as possible. 1. Webshop customers of the CSW B V1 and CSR E (sorted by purchase date) 2. Webshop customers of other ClubSport products like CSP or CSS 3. All other Fanatec customers Of course we will treat all territories with the same priority. Not every customer will use his invite so go ahead and ask your friends if they use their invite of if they give it to you in case you are not on the list yet. It is possible and welcome to transfer invite codes. Please do not ask our sales team for invites. They are not authorized to give out codes anyway. If it is your turn then you will get an e-mail. We will open a thread in our forum which explains more details and where you can also ask for invites from other members. By the way, all lucky customers who placed a pre-order for the old V1 base just got a free upgrade to V2 and they are the first to receive the new product. The Price Pre-order price: EU: 499,95 USA: 499,95 AUS: 655 J: 65.000 Regular price: EU: 599,95 USA: 599,95 AUS: 785 J: 78.000 Prices are calculated different in the regions depending on taxes, laws, logistic costs and other local costs. Availability We started production this week and as soon as we start shipping, we will open the pre-orders for the invited guests. The first products should arrive at the end of September or early October. Если кому пришел код на предзаказ, я бы его взял. Можно использовать код и самому и получить еще один код за предзаказ и отдать кому-то. Вообщем, ищу счастливчиков :)
  18. По поводу люфта: вон у тебя в настройках игры выставлена мертвая зона. Ну а про DFGT vs G27 вопрос не стоит. Подавляющее большинство выберет Г27. P.S. Зачем-то выставлено в драйверах Spring Effect и Damper Effect. Не думаю, что они нужны в F1 2013. P.P.S. По поводу шума: пилотировать необходимо всегда в наушниках! Независимо от руля :laugh:
  19. И как получить это приглашение? Вообще безобразие. Дорого, часто с излишней экономией на компонентах и тут еще квест надо пройти, чтобы купить
  20. В Г25 такой стук намного тише, чем в Г27.
  21. Стуки это особенность Г27, у всех так. Про сопротивление в околонулевой зоне сложно сказать. Показывай настройки драйвера и игры.
  22. Секретная формула, которая зависит от SOF (средний айрейтинг участников) и места в финишном протоколе гонки.
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