Firmware update
Disconnect the device and open the case.
Place jumper BOOT0 to right position (assuming you're holding the board with USB connector down and DB9 connectors left and right. Normal position of BOOT0 jumper is left side).
Install STM DfuSe, download it here: (free registration required). Alternatively install it from my Google Drive:
Connect the board to computer, it should be detected as "STM device in DFU mode"
Download firmware .dfu file.
Run DfuSe, mark Verify checkbox, press Choose button, select firmware image, then press Upgrade, agree to the warning message.
When Progress bar turns blue firmware update is complete, disconnect the board, move jumper BOOT0 back to the left position, close the case, connect it to computer, the board should be detected as "Shifter/Pedals Adapter". Firmware update complete!
Если адаптер отображается как джойстик в системе, то нужна не перепрошивка, а калибровка, там же по ссылке есть калибратор и описание процедуры.