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Весь контент dams161

  1. Hello Sorry, being from France, English is a bit easier for me. I don't speak Russian. It's been more than a week that I'm fighting with the hoverboard ffb. @propeler already helped me a lot with it but now I have another problem, I have more strength on one side (right) than on the other (left). déjà beaucoup aidé mais maintenant j'ai un autre problème, j'ai plus de force d'un côté (droit) que de l'autre (gauche). I even have the impression that it gives everything on the right and almost nothing on the left. If someone has an opinion Thanks
  2. 1. Damien Rossignol 2. France, Isère 3.43 4. 2010 5. Rf2, CA, ACC, ams2 6. Skier 8. Pour mon propre compte 9. Oui Mégane 10. Tutoriel pour construire un dd
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