На страничке http://www.sim-sport.net/sr-1-chassis.html?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage_images.tpl&product_id=35
прочел такую информацию:
While our speciality is controls that simulate race cars we are aware that many of our customers are simulator racers and don't necessarily desire to simulate real cars.
Based on feedback from our sim racing team www.OrionRaceTeam.comwe believe that pressure sensitive brakes are not ideal for all. We are now offering our top-line Sim-Sport pedals in both 2 pedal clusters featuring a distance based brake system instead of the hydraulic brake. In addition to being much closer to the distance based systems most sim racers started on, they are also a couple of dollars cheaper!
Может не все так однозначно с load cell. Может это как со сцеплением, все кричат, что это круто, но переключают кнопкой?